Based in Mutoko
The project is implemented in Mutoko and Murewa. It has become our niche. This is a very cost effective Project which requires minimum capital injection but yields massive impact. Women are helped to form groups of fifteen (15) to twenty (20) members each. They receive training on Business entrepreneurship, business records and Marketing. The group members develop their Constitution and agree on their terms of reference. They meet once weekly and perform the following exercises a) Social Capital (Discussions on social issues affecting them and try to find own solutions to such.) b) Saving and c) Lending. The group members agree on the amounts to save and there is a level of flexibility during times of difficulty or abundance. The Mutoko Project started in 2013 with one group of 20 women saving $1.00 per week and lending the same on the day of saving. Since then the number of women participation has grown to 115 groups comprising 1800 women and their revolving loan have cumulatively risen to $680 000.00. On the first day of implementation, women could borrow a maximum of $10.00. Today women can borrow up to $1 500.00 from group funds to support any business idea they may have. The money is never shared but is for borrowing and returning. The project has made massive impact on poor women’s lives. We have therefore adopted this model in all our areas of operation.